VPK Rubber Corporation Recognize the excellence in environmental, health, and safety performance is an essential part of our business.
To accomplish this we will:
Identify, assess and manage the environmental, health, and safety risks and impacts of our existing and planned operations. Set objectives and targets that result in continuous improvement of our environmental, health, and safety performance.
Comply with all current applicable legal requirements related to occupational health, safety hazards, and environmental aspects.
Enhance Environment, Occupational health, and safety awareness among all employees, customers, vendors, and contractors for environment-friendly and safe work practices by ensuring their involvement and imparting necessary training.

Provide the leadership and resources that will enable our workforce to meet improvement objectives and targets.
Prevent pollution and accidents through continuous monitoring and control of Environment, Occupational health, and safety impacts and periodical review of objectives and targets.
Reduce waste, Promote conservation of energy and natural resources. Implement various feasible solutions through appropriate design, manufacturing, distribution, and disposal practices to minimize environmental aspects and other hazards related to our product, process, and services.
Routinely monitor, assess and report on the company’s environmental, health, and safety performance and on our conformity with this policy.